
About Me

Story Time!

Video games are a core aspect of my life. Ever since my mom took me to an arcade and I played Metal Slug 1 and Time Crisis 2, I was hooked. Playing them was something I simply did but, as I grew older, I started to rationalize them and wanted to know how they worked. So here I am, working with something I'm really passionate about.

I went to Mendoza University, where I studied a lot about video game development and found out exactly what I want to do within the gaming industry: Game and Level Design. I also keep up with current trends and news and of course, always reading, watching and playing to help me improve within this ever changing industry.

Hobbies / Interests

Video games! A game and level designer should always keep playing to have well of experience and games to make use of. I would like to consider myself as some with quite a bit of gaming knowledge, going from the Sega Genesis era up until now. Recently I picked up the hobby of getting all the achievements / trophies for a game, which lets me experience more games in a deeper way as doing this usually involves going through all of a gameĀ“s content.

Movies! Before going into the gaming industry I dipped my toes into the movie industry which led me to watch a wide variety of films from a lot of different directors. Watching more obscure or lesser known movies is something I particularly enjoy.

Exercise! Going to the gym and doing other activities keeps my body healthy as I spend most of my day at the computer. It is also nice just to do so.